Questionwe have two adult sons 21 and 22. who live away from home and work part time and attend school. We pay for1/2 of their books and tuition only our ins co says we need to have them on our policy or can be held liable if there is an auto accident. Neither is currently insured.
I only have the limited information you have presented, but I can understand the insurance company's concern on liability. If they are driving your car whether it is a couple blocks to the store or back to school, they need to be covered because if not and say one of those kids has an accident (doesn't matter if they are at fault or not), it sounds like there would be no coverage which could get you stuck with the liability and I don't think you want that.
I have seen these situations play out before and it never turns out good for the owner of the car.
I assume the kids don't have vehicles because 49 states out of 50 require all driver's to have minimum liability coverage.
As much as you don't want to pay for naming them as insureds, its just covering your butt because no matter how good of drivers they may be, there is the rest of the world you need to look at.
These are additional risks the insurance company is taking on and you have been politely put on notice that in the event they are driving, without adding them to your policy, there will be no coverage.
Good luck!