Auto Insurance Claims: Backing Up Liability, disputed liability

In a parking lot, a car pulled into a parking spot with the idea of backing into a spot on the opposite row.  My daughter was driver our car in the parking lot and stopped when she saw the car backing out.  The car pulled back and then turned the front of the car into her to back into the spot, which dented the side of his car, but barely scratched the fender of our car.  He never saw her but insists that she must have hit him since the dent is in the side of his car.  No police were called, but he now says we are responsible for all damages, since she must have hit him.  What should we do?


   There is no way to prove whose fault it was.  There is nothing you can do except have your daughter give her side of the story to your insurance company and let the insurance company decide whether to pay or not.

   If you don't have insurance, you can just refuse to pay and defend yourself if a suit should ensue.  I am sorry but unless there is super clear evidence (video anywhere?) there is just no winning a case when there is no witness, and the stories are different.