Auto Insurance Claims: determining whos at fault, PIP and Liability
Questioni let my fiancee(doesn't reside at same address) borrowed my car to go to school and she got into an accident in the college parking lot. she isn't on my insurance policy. I'm trying to figure who's at fault in her accident. she was in the parking about to exit out, she waited till a car past her before she exit, when she made it half way out of the parking space, she saw that same car reversing backward. my fiancee just stop halfway and start pressing on the horn to get that other driver attention to stop, but the other driver couldn't hear my fiancee honk the horn because she was listen to music and that's what the other driver stated in the police report. so what i'm trying to figure out is who's at fault. also one more thing about P.I.P if i file it for my fiancee would my insurance policy pay for it even though I'm not in the car and my fiancee name isn't in my policy? thanks you so much, I never got into an accident before and trying to deal with this matter as soon as possible thanks
I would need to know why the other party was backing up. Clearly, if your fiancee had waited a little longer before pulling out, this might have been avoided, but was there any indication that she should have waited to pull out? What was the other person doing? The info you gave is just not enough for me to determine an opinion on fault.
As for PIP, it will cover your fiancee, even if you aren't in the vehicle and even if she is not on the policy. If she doesn't live with you or drive the vehicle regularly, then when you give her permission to drive, she becomes insured for the purposes of your insurance policy.
I hope this helps!