Auto Insurance Claims: help, unlicensed driver
Questionmy car was hit from the rear while it was at a complete stop. my boyfriend was driving it, who is unlicensed. the insurance policy is in my father's name. will he be notified who the driver was? i know that it was the other guy's fault, there are witnesses who say he didn't even try to slow down. im going to pick up the report and the other guys information today, but i really need to know if my father will find out that my boyfriend was driving the car..
AnswerYour father will likely find out if there is any insurance claim filed. Adjusters are required to speak with the vehicle owner to confirm the driver had permission to drive. That being said, it doesn't really matter if your boyfriend is unlicensed or not, that doesn't make him at fault for the accident and it doesn't void the insurance unless you are not allowed to give someone permission to drive.
If you are the primary user of the vehicle (with your father's blessing) then you don't have to ask your father to give permission to your boyfriend to drive. You have "unfettered domination" over the use of the vehicle, and can legally give your boyfriend permission to drive, whether he is licensed or not. I'm not saying that it is smart to let someone else drive your car, but it is not illegal unless your boyfriend causes damages to somebody, and you knew he didn't have a license, and in that case you could be at fault for negligently entrusting your vehicle to an unlicensed driver. I hope that makes sense.