Auto Insurance Claims: no claims bonus, Mercedes BMW smart key systems defeat and theft
Questionin july 2010 my stepson took my car without my consent,he was prosecuted in court for theft and drink driving.he crashed my car into somebodys garage and garden,he offered to pay for the damage but was told that they would claim on there house insurance.he payed for all repairs on my car and no claim was my shock i recieved my new quote for my car only to be told that they paid a third party claim on the garden and garage,i was not informed of this right that i am persecuted for something that i have not done.because of this i can no longer afford to pay for this new quote,as i had to give up work to look after my disabled wife.
Even if they claimed on their house insurance there is a thing known as subrogation. What this means is that even if the home owner claimed on theirs (which I don't know why they would), their insurance company is reimbursed by your company. That's how it works and you may not have had that explained to you by your agent.
Your stepson (you carried the insurance) was libel for his destruction of the garage and garden and unfortunately, you are being punished for it.
You can try companies like the General which may keep your rates lower, but getting comp and collision might be pricey.
It's going to be another 2 1/2 years before the rates will go down.