Auto Insurance Claims: Mad as hell hit and run, hit and run, what can I do?
QuestionI was in a hit and run accident the problem is that the car the young man was driving belong to his mother and he was not on the Insurance can I sue her and what is my rights I'm the one suffering and my car is Total!
AnswerSo you have a negligent entrustment case. You can definitely sue the vehicle owner, and in most states you can file a report with the appropriate State department and have the uninsured motorist's driving privileges suspended. There are plenty of options on this type of case, but it normally takes a detailed review for us to provide victims with a proper course of action. Feel free to contact us directly if you need one on one consultation. This type of question just has too many variables at play for us to give you great help over a forum like this. Look us up and get the free help you need. Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC!
Justin Petty