Auto Insurance Claims: how long does subrogation take, auto insurance company, blue cross blue shield
QuestionI was injured in Maryland as a passenger in a DC taxi who was not at fault. The taxi carries UIM. My medical bills are 50K, Blue cross blue shield and my auto insurance company are subrogating. The at fault driver is policy limit but have not released the money, my insurance company to pay my UIM $50K. It has been over a year sincee I finished all treatments and I just want some kind of idea how long this subrogation phase generally takes. Thank you for your time. I understand the claims process I just don't know what happens during subrogation.
AnswerHi Vanessa,
There is no way to tell how long it will take. If the at fault insurance company is arguing, it could take a while. There is no time limit. It is also possible that your insurance may have to file suit if the at fault insurance does not cooperate. If that becomes necassary it could take many more months or longer.
The best source of information is your insurance company. They should be able to tell you what stage things are in and what will happen next.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh