Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance Company Pay for Damages on My Car, recieved pictures, insurance comapny
QuestionHello, can you please help I don't know what to do, My son was in an car accident in the High School parking lot the police was called but they do not go on private property we were told my son was heading down the isle towards the exit when out of no where another kid hit him on the passenger side right between the doors and by my son being in motion it went all down the back side, I was told by the other drives insurance company to take my car and get an estimate, also they recorded my son as to his version of the accident and my sons passanger statement and recieved pictures of the damages done the other driver stated to me over the telephone he was sorry that he did not see my son, now I received a letter from the other insurance company that they have come to a conclusion that their insure was not at fault and they were not going to pay for the damages, I only have liability insurance on my car and my insurance company is not being of any help what do I need to do to resolve this matter, Please I need some advice quickly. Thank You
AnswerHi Carolyn,
Since the other insurance comapny has denied liability and you have no collision coverage you only have two options as follows:
1) you can pay for the repairs your self.
2) you can file a law suit against the other driver (and his parents if they own the car). Your son will have to testify as to what happened. If there were any witnessess, they should be brought to court to testify as well. Both sides will get a chance to explain their side of the story and the judge will decide who is at fault.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh