Auto Insurance Claims: coverage, personal auto policy, auto insurance companies
Questionthe company that i am going to work with requires me to have a $1 million dollar liability auto policy in addition to an umbrella policy. do you know any auto insurance companies that offer this much coverage. Mine does not-Farmers. Thank you.
Kent Mickelson
AnswerHi Kent,
I am not aware of any insurance company that writes a 1 million dollar personal auto policy. However, if you have an umbrella policy it should not matter. Perhaps you should look for an underlying auto policy of 100/300/100 or 250/500/100 and then get a 2 million dollar umbrella policy. That should accomplish the same thing. Also I'm not sure what kind of work you do but, you may want to have the policies endorsed for business use of a personal vehicle. This will cause an increase in rate of about 15% but will insure you are covered if an accident occurs while you are working.
If the above is not acceptable to your employer, ask them what insurance company other empoloyees in the same situation have used.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh