Auto Insurance Claims: Unpaid Claims, legal remedy, medical provider
QuestionQUESTION: I work for a medical provider. Our patient has a 3rd party claim in California. However, he is not cooperating and our bills remain unpaid. Is it ok to bill the patient for services rendered even though the other driver's insurance has accepted liability?
ANSWER: Hi Lori,
This is more of a legal question than an insurance claims question. However I would say that you always thave the right to bill a patient for services regardless of what there insurance company does. Dealing with a patients insurance company is a courtesy not a requirement.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your response. I had a follow up question.
We've billed the patient, but he refuses to pay. In your opinion, is it ok to send outstanding balance to collections?
AnswerHi Lori,
Of course you can send them to collections. You are no different than any other business. You provided a product or service that has not been paid for. You can send them to collections. You can file suit against them or any other legal remedy to collect payment for your services.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh