Auto Insurance Claims: how do you know what the ins. co. is telling you is the truth?
QuestionClaims Guy,
My insurance company is telling me that they won't release any monies to pay off medical bills, until my daughter is 18. Granted that her birthday is in August. I have bill collectors calling me wanting payment. My daughter was involved in a rear end collision while at a stop light forcing her into the car in front of her and then into the curb of the median. The lady who hit her is insured by the same company that I have. They told us to pay the bills ourselves and then wait to be reimbursed when the settlement happens.
AnswerThere may be some confusion, because they cannot do that. I understand their concern about her age, because technically the statute of limitations (which limits the time she can make a claim) starts on her 18th birthday. But insurance companies settle claims with the parents of minors all the time. There are forms you can use for that. Or they could have their attorney file a court approved settlemnt if there is a lot of money involved. Or they could just advance you the cost of the bills now, in advance of the full and final settlement. There are plenty of options, and they should try one of them, rather than leaving you out to dry, especially since you are their customer. I would call and make sure you understood the claim rep correctly. If yes, then complain to the supervisor. Worst case scenario, complain to the state insurance department.