Auto Insurance Claims: loss of use on a totalled vehicle, loss of use, total loss vehicle
QuestionI was in a wreck where I suspect my car will be totalled. The insurance company is telling me that they will only provide a rental if my car is repairable and that I am out of luck if my car is totalled. They also can't give me a timeline on when my car can be looked at by an accessor. Is this true, do I have any options?
AnswerThey are jacking you around in every way. And they will also probably lowball the value of your totaled vehicle. They would owe for a rental car for a reasonable time period for you to replace the car from the time they make a "reasonable" offer. So if they make a lowball offer and you spend a month getting them to up the offer, then they owe the rental car for the whole month. You need the eBook "Total Loss Auto Advice for Claimants" from for $25.00. It has a money back guarantee and a 20 minute consultation with the author.