Auto Insurance Claims: new agent, underinsured, insurer

hi..maybe you can tell me how to go about doing this. my shelter agent is lazy, and has been for years. you have to wait 2 or 3 days for her to answer an e mail and same for the phone. the premium is almost due. i had e mailed her and asked a quote to add ininsured and underinsured to  my car. two days later she did that. so i wrote back, asking her to add that to my coverage. she never responded. the bill got here and say uninsured and underinsured not selected; she failed to add those on. so now of course i am looking for another agent. so you have any suggestions on how to find an agent that does the simple things you ask and does not make you wait days for an answer? i wrote to the home office about her; thought they may like to know. so, what suggestions do you have in order to find another shelter agent? thank you very much!!

All you can do is get references from other people about who they use. Call the agent with questions and see how fast they respond. Now if you want to be sure you are covered, FAX your request to the agents office. If he forgets to add it, then he and or the insurer he represents would legally owe you if you had a loss.