Auto Insurance Claims: Not reporting permissive user accident for collision converage, several thousand dollars, frame damage
QuestionThis sounds stupid, and it probably is. But, last year around this time I was being treated for cancer and someone who was helping me wrecked my car while avoiding a dog. I was told that it was probably not that expensive to repair. I didn't want to prove that no good deed goes unpunished and I figured I could afford it, so I didn't report the accident. I just stored the care till later. Now, I find it will cost over $17,000 to repair the car because of frame damage. I didn't do anything before because I lost all drive from the cancer treatment, and I just didn't have the energy to deal with it. If I report the accident to my insurance company here in Georgia, is there any possibility they will cover the loss?
AnswerHi Gerald,
Yes. Your insurance company will still have to pay for the repairs. You will simply tell them that you were in treatment for cancer and parked the car until you were strong enough to deal with it.
In addition, they will also owe you for the diminished value of your car which will be several thousand dollars. However the insurance company will try to low-ball this significantly. To learn more about diminished value claims visit
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh