Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance Policy limits, collision coverage, lowball
QuestionThe adjuster told me that the most the insurance company can pay is the property damage limit of $10,000 available for liability coverage and that they cannot offer me more than the $10,000 policy limit toward the repair of the vehicle.But the cost to repair is higher. Do i have to except this lowball offer due to the limit, even when the other driver has admitted fault? What should be the response to the adjuster?
AnswerThe insurance company will not pay more than the limit of the insurance policy.
If you have Underinsured Motorist coverage or collision coverage on your policy, they will pay the balance. You should call them and ask if you have these coverags now.
If not, you will need to sue the driver of the at-fault car for the amount not paid by insurance. But do not sign a release with the insurance company, because if you do, you can't sue the other driver.