Auto Insurance Claims: Unauthorized driver / stolen vehicle, Unauthorized driver / stolen vehicle

I have a friend who is homeless and sleeps in a tent in the
woods. He uses my address as a mailing address. A vehicle
which we think was stolen came into the woods and ran him
over. He was injured and his campsite / tent etc totally
destroyed. He went to hospital and filled out an accident
report. Since then I have received phone calls and letters
from insurance investigator wanted to speak to him about the
accident. I got a copy of the police report and follow-up
report and it says a vehicle was found close by later that
night. When I spoke to the insurance investigator he said
that the owners insurance would not pay for any of the
damages because it was an unauthorized driver. I am
wondering why they are making such an effort to speak with
my friend unless they want him to sign off on some claim. Is
this true that the insurance will not cover? My friend is
the victim here and it seems totally unfair that there is no
one to help him out.

Hello Mary,

Well, you need to talk to a lawyer. Some insurance policies do exclude coverage when a vehicle is being driven by an unauthorized driver, a stolen driver may qualify for that.

It's difficult to say what the hurry is or why. You do need to talk to an attorney. Simply because there is no coverage, it does not mean that the person who cause the injury does not have to pay.

I hope this helps

Good Luck