Auto Insurance Claims: Other party wont settle, insurance adjuster, multiple claims

I was involved in an accident almost 2 months ago were I was rear-ended at a red light at high speeds causing me to also hit the a vehicle in front of me. My vehicle was total loss and the person in front only had minor damage to her vehicle and well as the person deemed 100% at fault. Well, the at fault driver adjuster is ready to settle but the insurer of the person that I hit is ignoring the at fault's adjusters calls. I was told that they maybe payed out to their insured more than the at fault is offering and they are trying to get their money back. Mind you the at fault driver only has $5000 in property damage. How long do you think I'm will have to wait? and why would they ignore?

Hi Mimi,

This adjuster is waaay out of line.  This is a troublesome situation because the adjuster may have paid out part of the limits without including you damages.  I would like to see you put your demand in writing ASAP.  I also would like to see you contact your state insurance commissioner

You can use the threat of a complaint to the insurance commissioner to induce the cooperation you need.

The other thing you can do is to repair your vehicle with your own insurance collision coverage.  Your deductible can sometimes be worked with your insurer and/or the tortfeasor's adjuster.  In any event, when your insurer goes after their company, they will recover your deductible.

I am also wondering about bodily injuries (BI).  If your vehicle was totaled then I suspect you likely suffered injuries.  Do NOT be afraid to push for a fair settlement.  If you were injured, then write to me again and I can give you a lot of information from www.SettlementCentral.Com the leading insurance settlement online resource.  

Be sure to give me a lot of info about your injuries and see if the adjuster will let you know the limits on the BI coverage.  The reason being, the coverage limits will probably have a total for all claims, so you will have to split among the other injured people.  For example, if the limits on BI are 25/50 that means that each person that the tortfeasor injured can recover UP TO $25,000-----HOWEVER, the MAXIMUM that ALL injured victims can obtain from the insurer is $50,000.  Hence, the limits may have to be apportioned if there are some moderate injuries.  

I trust that my time here has produced some information that has been of value to you, and thus I would respectfully request that you take the time to locate the FEEDBACK FORM on this site and leave some feedback for me.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)