Auto Insurance Claims: Claim re: Hail damage..Progressive Ins. Co>, local weather reports, vw new beetle

QUESTION: I reside in Phoenix AZ. We had a major storm on 10-05-2010. Golf and tennis ball sizd hail with 60 mph winds. My insurance provider is Progressive. My VW New Beetle suffered dimples all over the body. I filed the claim and was set up with an appointment on 10-14-2010 at the claims "drive thru" that was set up due the number of claims in the Phoenix area. I was told by the agent (on the phone that took my claim info) that the claim will be setteled on the spot and check issued.(I own the vehicle.The car was a gift from my terminally ill father and means everything to me)No estimates were asked for. I have the feeling I'm going to get the short end of the stick. How can I prevent this? My bug was perfect and I do not want to go with PDR as you can still see damage. I want it filled and painted at the dealership. I have N
O clue what to accept or tell these monsters. (I received a call yesterday from a rep that said I was lying. I calmly told her I would fax over all of my shopping receipts stating addresses etc. as well as 20 local weather reports stating whereabouts and times of the storm. She received them and back peddeled from the "I have this recorded" etc. to Oh NO problem "I'm sorry." I just want my "bugger " back.

ANSWER: Hi Meli,

You are right to be concerned. Very often insurance comapnies will try to low ball the claim just to save money. You certainly have the right to a second opinion. However, you do not need to get multiple estimates. You need to select the body shop thet you would actually have to do the repairs. Have that shop write an estimate. Then you can compare the two. If necessary, your body shop should be willing to speak to the insurance company on your behalf to negotiate the ultimate outcome. In selecting a body shop, be sure you select a shop that does not have a contract with Progressive. Otherwise they will do what ever Progressive tells them to do regardless of what you want.

Also with regard to PDR work. It is possible to properly repair hail damage using PDR. If you can still see any sign of the damage after the repair, then it was not done correctly. If any panels do need to be repaired using PDR, be sure to talk to the company doing the PDR work yourself. Ask them about their experience, the actual techs experience that will work on your car, their warrantee, etc. Also tell progressive that is any PDR work is done and is not done absolutely perfectly, that you will then demand that it be done by traditional body shop methods.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Richard,

Well I spent three hours in their "drive thru". $1270
is the total they are "allowing" for PDR repairs and new "safelite" windsheild. The "expert estimator" stated 5 quarter dens and 30 nickle dents!?? (Maybe on the hood only.) When we went over the estimate, I pointed out that there was at least 100 dimples. Her response was "We have to start sonewhere." (About the estimate) She said it was wrote for PDR "That's what it needs. It's not bad enough for body shop repairs." She handed me a check for the $1270 and stated she did not care if I got it fixed or not. It was my choice and sauntered off!! Needless to say I still have the check and estimate. As you advised, I am going to get my own estimate. But how do I get them to issue me a check for the correct (and fair) amount of repair. (By the way, you are correct again, most shops DON'T want to or won't do business with Progressive. Except for the ones that have a contract with them.

Hi Meli,

Welcome to the wonderful world of auto insurance claims.

The reason the adjuster shorted the estimate and wrote you a check knowing it should be for more, is because they know that many people in this economy will simply take the check, not repair the car and keep the money. This is fine for the vehicle owner to do, however, they never get paid for the full extent of the damage and the insurance company has just stolen hundreds or even thousands of dollars from these unsuspecting people.

That having been said, I refer you back to my original answer. Select either a body shop or even a good PDR company. Have them go over your car carefully and provide a written detailed estimate that indicates the number of dimples and their sizes. Then you can provide that to the adjuster. It is possible the adjuster may require your car be at the shop so they can come to the shop for reinspection and to negotiate with the shop. This is fine. At that point the shop person should be acting as your advocate to be sure the work is done correctly and that they are paid to do it correctly.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh