Auto Insurance Claims: Comprehensive/Collision question, uninsured motorist coverage, october 20th
My car was hit and ruined pretty badly on the drivers side from the front bumper to the back end. It was parked on my street then I went outside the next day to all of that damange! anyway...I put my car in the shop with an estimated cost of 5k for repairs, then the dealer told me it was completed and 6800$ total...they also told me it would be ready October 20th now it is ready and I do not have all of the money. Can I just file a claim through my insurance or is it too late? I have full auto insurance.
AnswerYes, you should definitely make a claim asap. In the future, do not delay. the insurer may question the cost of repairs since they did not have the opportunity to inspect the vehicle prior to repairs. they might have been able to save a lot of money on repairs.
You can still make a claim. They just might not pay the entire cost, depending on circumstances. Also, this should qualify for uninsured motorist coverage, assuming you have this on your policy, which normally has a lower deductible and more benefits than collision or comp.