QuestionHe just had his 3rd accident. Not cited in any of them. Also has a 65 in a 40 zone. Can Geico drop him? Is he unisurable after this?
Insurance companies have the same rights your son has. They can insure who they want and your son has the option of having a different company.
Here are the facts as to what you have communicated: he is a exceptionaly high risk and has great liability exposure fro Gieco. If he has not been cancelled expect the letter at any time.
Something is definately wrong with his driving. The average person in their lifetime doesn't have the record this 17 year old does.
It does not always matter if it was an at fault accident. It does matter he has been in three and got a ticket to top it off.
Instead of being concerned about him, you might want to be more concerned what will happen to you and your rates.
It has been common for insurance companies to designate a problem driver (named) in which he is not covered in the household.
It is also common for the parents rates to skyrocket just with the kid living under the same roof because he has access to the car.
You ask if he is uninsurable. The consern should be, are you insurabable?
I have no way of knowing if he can still get insurance and he is going to have to call around, but he is a definate high risk and he nor you may be able to afford the cost.
Depending on your state the DMV might be threatening him shortly as well.