QuestionIn February, I was in an auto accident. The other driver
failed to yield and pulled out blind and I hit her. She had
two passengers in her car. The police and police report
determined it was 100% her fault. It has been an absolute
nightmare dealing with the other driver. She is under 21 and
her parents have no insurance on the car. They have been
very difficult to deal with since they claim they do not
speak English even though she speaks perfect English yet
won't answer a phone to translate for her parents.
Anyway, one of the passengers is trying to have my insurance
pay for his ambulance bill. (He had a minor laceration that
just needed some glue to close). My insurance is obviously denying the claim since I was not at fault. I have been
contacted by the passengers lawyer and have told them
numerous times that they need to talk to the driver of the
other vehicle since I was not at fault. The lawyer had not
read the police report where it clearly states the other
driver was at fault. What more can I do? Does the passenger
have a case against me since it was determined I was not at
fault? Are they coming after me because they know I have
insurance and she does not?
Obviously, this is very frustrating when I feel like I am
being punished when I did not cause the accident and I have
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. Any
information you can provide is greatly appreciated. I look
forward to hearing from you.
AnswerHi Matt,
I know it is frustrating, but you have nothing to fear. If you receive any calls, letters or any other correspondence, you should simply referr it to your insuyrance company. It is their job to deal with all of this for you. Do not speak to any other party, any attornies, any medical providers, etc. Simply referr them to your insurance company. If you receive any law suit papers, send them to your insurance company. Are you beginning to see a pattern. No matter what you receive or who calls, refer it to your insurance company. If you are sued for any reason connect to an auto accident your auto insurance company even has to provide you with a defense attorney.
So relax. don't stress. Just let your insurance company handle it.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh