Auto Insurance Claims: police report, oakland police department, small claims court

Auto Accident: April 22, 2010. My car toalled. Had no collision. I  have been told by State Farm(my insurance co)to  go to Small Claims Court. Alameda County, Calif.
: The police diod not take a statement from me at the time of the accident. The Police Report took the statement of the other 2 parties saying I ran a red light. I did not.

Question: Should I contact Oakland Police Department and ask that they take my statement before I go to small claims court.

Note: State Farm's adjuster subsequentlly went with me to the accident scene. There he determined that the other party was 100 percent liable, because they did not yield the right of way. He went through 2 lanes to total me and hit 2 other objects.

It would be a good idea to ask the officer to amend his police report with your statement.  If the officer refuses, complain to his sergeant.  If the sergeant refuses, keep complaining up the chain and they will probably appease you.  If the evidence if stacked against you, they may not, and it may be hard to win in court.  I'm concerned that two other drivers gave a different account.  Good luck!