Auto Insurance Claims: Bodily Injury Claim, auto theft expert, auto theft SIU claims investigation expert

I recently had a car accident. The driver already admitted to liability to the insurance company which was allstate. When the Allstate rep called me she talked to me for a while and asked if I wanted her to send me a check for 1000 for pain and suffering. I told her okay. After doing some research and getting the doctors diagnosis for me, I decided that 1000 was not enough. I called her back the very next day and told her that I did not want her to send me the check and I was declining the offer. A week goes by and she sends it anyway, then includes a letter stating that I could not make any other claims for bodily injury. How accurate is that information? Do I have the right to refuse the check and send it back with a formal demand letter asking for more money?


I am going to do this in two parts because of the urgency. Don't sign the check! That releases any future liability on their part.
Unfortunately, I am an expert on this subject the hard way.
I was rear ended in 1997 by a school bus on an expressway exit ramp.
18 years later, 10 herniated discs, two blown out knees, walking with a cane and living in unbearable pain every day.
I had the foresight for all of this.

Contact me this week and I will see if I can assist you. I have 2 decades working for and against insurance companies in the court system and I a m extremely successful.
Most these claims do not go to court, but you need to be educated.


