Auto Insurance Claims: Injury-Pain and Suffering claim, Injury-Pain and Suffering claim
QuestionAccident in PA reside in GA (at time in rental car). At fault driver's insurance company (in PA# paying auto damages and medical. Personal injury settlement amount is unreasonable/not acceptable. I want to file #sue at-fault driver). I was taken to emergency by EMT, had tests including CT Scan for soft injury. Had harassing and threatening correspondence from rental company when insurance company denied some claim payments. Can I initiate claim in Georgia? If attorney accepts claim does he have to reside in Pennsylvania or Georgia. The whole incident has really stressed me out. Thank you
AnswerHello Fredricka
You can only bring an action in PA or if your damages exceed $75,000 maybe federal court (probably still in a federal court in PA).
Talk to an attorney and maybe you can get representation locally.
Try this:
I hope this helps
Good Luck