Auto Insurance Claims: premiums, material misrepresentation, auto claim
QuestionI have a car financed and registered in my name. My credit is poor. Is there a legal way to insure it through my wifes credit score and I still be a driver and have the rate based off her credit? My driving record is clean.
Your first problem is that they are registered and financed under you and this in itself will create a problem insuring cars under her name in which sh has no interest.
Secondly, these days insurance compaies are commonly looking for any way to get out of paying an auto claim.
Let'ssay you could pull it off and get these cars covered through your wife and save on premiums. Now lets say you have a claim. The money you saved won't be worth it when they deny your claim when they accuse you of material misrepresentation and deliberately concealing your poor credit to get a cheaper rate.
I am on your side and know what it is like to be in your position. I went through a divorce and other issues. I just can see things turning bad with you andbyou sure don't want this to happen if youhave a claim and to find out that money you saved was for nothing.
I deal with people on a daily basis that have thier claims denied.