Auto Insurance Claims: driving without insurance and a car hit me, No insurance accident

What are the consequences driving without insurance in a car accident,they were damages to both cars.the other person was insure

In California, if you are found to be at fault for the accident, it is possible that you could lose your license if you can't pay for the damages caused.  The financial responsibility law requires one to pay for damages they cause or face suspension of their license (and sometimes registration).  If you were not at fault, then you don't owe for damages, so not being able to prove you are financially responsible (that you had insurance) could result in a ticket or fine or both (and sometimes, the impounding of your vehicle).  

If you feel you were at fault, and you can't pay for damages the best thing to do is to try and work out an installment plan (monthly payment plan) to take care of any damages.

I hope this helps!