QuestionI was recently side-swiped on the freeway by a tractor
trailer. Their insurance company has paid for the damages
and provided me with a rental car while my car was repaired
but they have refused to pay for the insurance on the rental
car. I had to pay for insurance on the rental because I
don't have collision insurance on my own vehicle (liability
and comprehensive only). Since this expense was incurred as
a direct result of an auto accident, shouldn't the insurance
agency be obliged to cover this expense?
AnswerHello Jeff,
It depends. Your logic is correct, however, each state differs on that very point.
Some states believe that it's unfair to have you pay for insurance when you did not have this expense before. Some believe that everyone should be ensured and thus you should carry that coverage anyway and thus, you can pay for that out of your pocket.
For more information about insurance claims, please see:
Also, contact the department of insurance (Or office of the insurance commissioner) of your state. They will be able to give you a straight answer.