Auto Insurance Claims: Judgment..., judgment defense

My car was involved in an accident a little over three years ago, I was not the driver nor the passenger didn't give the driver permission to drive. The car was crashed into a building I had full coverage on my car. My car was total and paid off but the cost of the building was never paid..So I have been sued by the owner of building and judgement has been placed on credit report. What can I do to get judgement removed, is it too late for me to reopen claim and have insurance pay claim???

Sorry for the delay.

So did you fight the suit or did the other party get a default judgment because you didn't answer the suit?  There are some circumstances where a judgment can be set aside, but it would likely take an attorney to document and research the likelihood of something like that being successful.  If service was done by publication or something like that, and you didn't get properly served, then there is a chance.

In general, it is too late to fight once a judgment has been entered, and if it is on your credit, then it has been recorded as well which means it is not a fresh judgment which would be easier to argue about.

I think you need an attorney.  I hope this helps!
