Auto Insurance Claims: car accident, insurance comp, insurance info
QuestionThe man that lives next door hit my parked car a couple months ago. I've had deaths in the family so i just now got an estimate for him. We live in Maryland if that matters but he said his insurance has closed it out and his car is fixed I took to long but he wont give me the info for the insurance comp. Whats the time limit on this and what do I do?
AnswerHi Tina,
The statute of limitations in Maryland is 3 years. You should tell your neighbor this and tell him that the decision to pay your claim is up to his insurance company and not him. He damaged your car and is required by law to provide you with his insurance information. If he refuses to to provide the insurance info you can call the police who will send an officer out to obtain his insurance info. If there are any other issues you can file a law suit against him.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh