Auto Insurance Claims: How can I settle, injury value

I was hit by a drunk driver, hit & run 1/7/10 and on 1/28/10 someone ran a stop sign and I was forced off the road and hit a ditch.  I have soft tissue injuries and still dealing with this. the first wreck the adjusters said they shouldn't but a small amount because I had a second wreck.  the second wreck adjuster they don't owe me much because I was in a SUV and the vehicle didn't substain much damaged ($1400.00)and because my age (58) I'm bound to have some pain anyway.  How can I settle this case and know what is fair?

I have to know what state and county you are in before I can properly answer your question.

Your question is common and controversial.  Soft tissue injuries are hard to prove and are based upon the complaint of the victim and rarely anything else.  What this means is that it is primarily up to the type of jury you get and the type of person you are.  If the jury believes you are injured, you may have a chance of putting pressure on one or the other.  I would suggest getting an attorney.  It is very rare that an individual is prepared to deal with the bullying tactics of insurance companies who use the numbers game.  If you want your money you have to prove you are willing to fight for it, and you have to really be hurt.  Chiropractors are not generally allowed to give medical impressions, and medical doctors will normally testify that physical therapy is only needed if it is clearly helping to speed up the healing process.

I can surely provide better direction with some better information.  Do you have a disc bulge and what is the millimeter reading?  Is it L1 or L5 or T1 or C1. . . you get the idea . . . what is the extent of your medical documentation and treatment regarding your injury.  Did you go to the emergency room on either accident?  You can see there are a million questions that will need to be answered in order to determine the true value of your case.

I hope this helps.