Auto Insurance Claims: branded title, Comprehensive denial,

Can an insurance company deny a comprehensive claim because you have a branded title? I have had the coverage for the past 4 years without a claim and was never asked about whether or not my vehicle was restored salvage. Is there some type of sleezy loophole insurance companies use?


No more sleezy than giving you a discount for having an anti-theft system only to have the claim denied when the car gets stolen because one of thier expert forensic locksmiths is intentionally to stupid to know how cars are stolen.

It's all a scam in my opinion. Am I anti-insurance company? Absolutely not even though opposing insurance company defense attorneys try to paint me this way. In fact, since they monitor everything I say or do to take things out of context, I have to be somewhat careful here.

As for the outright denial of the claim, I would need to see more information st [email protected].

Salvage cars are worth up to 40% less than a non-branded title. The advantage is you get a newer car for less money. The disadvantage is that if the title is branded, it is worth far less.

If you want to blame someone here blame the agent, not the company. Its very common for agents to be ignorant on the product they sell. Who pays because the right questions were not asked? The insured.

There are so many things that agents don't ask when submitting your application and rarely are they called on it.

Write me in more detail as to the issue at my personal email listed sbove.