QuestionI filed a stolen car claim. car was found and totaled, 2002
sebring $2500 value. Geico sent me a EUO letter and suspects my claim is false, if I drop the claim what are the consequences from geico.
will they try to legally prosecute me? will they drop me or
raise my rates?
if i drop the claim does that cancel the EUO meeting?
1. what are these Geico euo examinations like?
2. should i hire an attorney, i'm not that good at being
questioned by people. i think its an anxious setting.
whats your experience? Im 69, disabled veteran and i
dont need the stress. im in florida and the eou meeting
is Jan 14, 2016.
thanks for your time and advice. Merry Christmas ! joe
You are very welcome Joe and thanks for the great feedback.
For 2 1/2 decades we have served insurance companies, but what makes us different is that we are the only nationwide firm that serves insured's too.
I have a reputation as a very competent expert witness. I am also excellent at removing stress from these investigations.
As I said before, give me a call and we can discuss.
I too am a disabled veteran at the age of 63. I have my fun with the VA all the time not!
As to your questions: so many people look at the value of the vehicle and it really has nothing to do with anything.
You do not dare go to an EUO without correct preparation, and attorneys are simply not qualified to prepare you.
At this point in a claims investigation, the attorney has no standing. They can tell you how to legally answer the questions, for which you won't remember anyway. You may feel confident with an attorney present at a EUO, but they are of no use. If asked a question, the attorney can object, however you are still required to answer the question. This illustrates as to the very little power they have to protect the client in these situations.
I prepare my clients as to how to answer these questions. My experience is based on the hundreds of hours of sworn testimony I have given in very adversarial situations. After 25 years, I am still here!
I know the SIU investigation protocol, better that they do.
Can you drop the claim? Yes, but it will be forever held against you if you ever.have another claim.
Will you be charged and prosecuted in Florida? ThAt is a true possibility even if you drop the claim.
Just had a client charged near the Orlando area. His attorney paid me to write a report. The prosecutor contacted me feeling very confident with his dealer expert. I addressed all concerns and basically warned him if he was foolish enough to try to use his dealer expert against me,he would lose heavy! I could demonstrate as to how the vehicle could be stolen 6 different ways.
He has since dropped the prosecution, and the attorney has hired me to assist in suing the insurance company.
Please feel free to call me at 866-490-1673 and we can discuss.