i had a accident,my husband was driving but we are not at fault.nobody injured except me(minor fractured sternum).our rav4 is gone as total loss as per NC rules.
now the other person's insurance company want settlement.
my company cover only $500,but my expanse is gone upto $3000 to $3500.i am a housewife,my husband took 1 week off for taking care of me as i have to take complete bed rest for 3 weeks, he work remotely for 2 weeks,he canceled his flight and hotel reservations,after one week he rent car for my hospital visits and further works.
now as we don't have any clue about it,will you plz help us for this claim?
how much should we ask for?
You shouldn't have too much of a problem with your case. Simply make sure you have documentation of all your expenses. You should be able to recover all of your expenses and costs due to the accident. I can't tell you how much to ask for because I don't know how much your husband makes at his job and I don't know the cost of the rental car or such. I would guess that your claim value exceeds $7000.00, but you'll have to document the damages.
I hope this helps.