Auto Insurance Claims: i suffer burns from coolant, radiator burns

QUESTION: i have a ford explorer 2002, I was driving the car last Friday and the thermostat went to hot signal, i pull over and when open the hood the coolant compartment cap exploited causing burns on my chest arm and neck, i replace the coolant 2 months ago , i want to know if my insurance cover this kind of accidents, thank you

ANSWER: That is something that I would not expect to be covered by auto insurance.  I'm gonna have to follow this one up after I do some research.  What State are you in?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i live in florida

I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you on this one.  Vincent, you are a first, I don't know the answer to your question.  I do not believe that is covered but it will be based upon the specific company's interpretation of the PIP language in the policy.

Normally, injuries have to result from a crash, or from operating the motor vehicle.  Your case involves something slightly different.  You're going to have to just ask for coverage and see what they say.  If you don't agree with them, I would bet you need an attorney.

Sorry I couldn't find a case like yours to help me answer your question!