Auto Insurance Claims: UM Claim, to settle or not to settle
QuestionOn 5/10/10 I was traveling to work and was hit in a construction zone. The other driver was clearly at fault, and had no insurance. I went to the ER and was found to have a small 8 mm bleed in my head, soft tissue injuries, and I was put into ICU, and released. I saw a neurosurgeon and neurologist for this. I have had 4 CT scans and the bleed has only shrunk by 1 mm. The dr said it will go away eventually,in the meantime I suffer from severe headaches, memory loss, etc. the dr's say i am at risk for seizures until the bleed is absorbed. I have to take depakote to prevent migraines and seizures, but there is nothing medically left to do. My medicals are around 18g and I have about 2g in lost wages. Should I go ahead and settle or wait it out until the bleed is gone. I appreciate any advice and I live in Illinois. My policy was 100/300 and 5g in med pay.
AnswerIf the doctor's say you have reached maximum medical improvement, then there is nothing left to do but figure out how much your claim is worth and settle. You'll want to make sure you have plenty of consideration for future medical as far as pain medicine and followup is required, and I would think your pain and suffering are larger than the normal injury claim due to the nuerological impact of your injury. Settle, but make sure you are satisfied with the settlement amount.