Auto Insurance Claims: Car not done correctly, shoddy repair work
QuestionI was rear-end 5/28 in a fairly new car 18,000 miles on it. took it to a body shop by word of mouth that it was a good shop to go to. They were to just fix the bumper and the exhaust and the creases on roof. My boyfriend wanted extra work done to the car and he was willing to pay for. I did not know about this. I just received the car today 8/6/10 and it is not good. I have over spray everywhere. The bumper is scratch around the tail light I have scratches on the car that was never there. They didn't do was my boyfriend wanted done. I gave them a demand letter on 8/2/10 to have it done by 8/4/10 and they keep telling me I didn't give them enough time. For what they had it for 2 months and they just thru the car together in 5 days. Since I didn't go to the choice of the insurance company however he kept telling me he does the adjusters daughter car all the time. What can I do or is there anything I can do.
That is definitely a bad situation. Your options are to negotiate and hope that they fix the problem, or take the vehicle to another shop and have the new shop document the poor quality repair, fix it and itemize it so you can file a small claims suit for improper / negligent repair work.
My suggestion would be to try and get the shop to fix their shoddy work. Other than sweet talking and negotiating, there's not a lot you can do outside of taking legal action.
I hope this helps.