Auto Insurance Claims: Is this my fault?, undergoing construction, left turn

I got into an accident about a week ago. I was making a left turn at a busy intersection which was undergoing construction. The other side of the road was at the bottom of a curve. I thought the road was clear because I couldn't see anyone coming around the curve. I only saw the car about a second before it hit me. The police did not ticket me, said the area was dangerous, and that the other car was probably going fast, but the police officer said that I was probably trying to beat the other car (I wasn't-I legitimately didn't see it until it was too late). Insurance is still trying to determine liability.

Does it sound like I will be found liable? Also, if I didn't get a ticket but I'm found liable, will points be added to my license?

Hi Kate,

No points will be added to your license unless you are issued a ticket.

The insurance company will make a decision on liability after that have taken a statement from both drivers. It sounds like you will be determined at fault since the other driver did have the right of way.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh