Auto Insurance Claims: car wreck, full coverage insurance, auto policy
QuestionI was in an at fault accident with full coverage insurance pulling my boat and trailer. I flipped my boat and did dameage to other cars and to my truck and boat and trailer. My insurance has paid for all the cars and my truck,but the said that they will not cover the boat or trailer because it is a recatnatioal vechicle is that true or not, or do they have to fix the boat and trailer? I live in south carolina. Thank you
AnswerHi Tammi,
Unfortunately, your boat and trailer is not covered on your auto policy. You would need a seperate boat policy for that. The boat and trailer is covered as far as liability coverage which is why they paid for the damage to the other cars, but the boat and trailer themselves are not covered.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh