Auto Insurance Claims: auto collision:small calims court, small claims court, court clerks
my car totaled
Oakland, Ca: I entered an intersection on a yellow light. I never saw it turn red. I was broadside by a car entering from my right. State Farm my insurance company sent an adjuster to the site. State Farm determined that I was not Liable. I have no collision insurance. State Farm has advised me to go to small claims court. CNA, the other driver's insurance co. denies liability. Police report says MR. X(the other driver) is the owner of vehicle. CNA says policy holder is XYZ Company, of which MR.X is CEO. QUESTION: Who do I sue in small claims court ? Mr. X? The XYZ Company? or CNA?
thanks for any help,
AnswerSue the vehicle driver and the company who owns the car and the policy holder, if different, and let the judge decide who pays you and percentage of fault if any. You can name multiple defendants for no extra charge, but you will have a few extra dollars cost for the defendants to be served. If you think the defendants will ignore service my certified mail b y the court clerk, then have them served by a process server so you don't have to file for an extension. Court clerks may take several weeks to mail out the summons and complaint and blow your time limits.