Auto Insurance Claims: vending trailer damage, City Liability for Tortious Acts
QuestionI am in mo and about a year ago my concession trailer was damaged by a city truck while i was at an event. I had two trailer repair shop look at it and their recommendation was that i send it to the manufacturer for repairs.the city only offered to pay the amount for the repairs to the trailer.should they pay for the trailer tobe shipped to the manufacture also should they pay me for loss of use in the form of loss profit or reasonable rental value. being that it is over a year what is my coarse of action
AnswerYou need an attorney. Cities have immunity in certain situations and if you don't act quickly your rights could be lost. In general, any damages you can prove were a direct result of the negligence of the city, you should be able to recover in a tort setting. You need to read up on tort law, and again I say you need an attorney.
I hope this helps. I'm sorry I can't offer more. Your question is a legal question that I cannot legally answer since I am not an attorney.