QuestionDo i have the right to have my car repaired at any body shop i want to? Or do i have to go to the one the insurance tells me to?
AnswerHi Lisa,
For third party claims (i.e. versus the tortfeasor's company), the choice is ALWAYS yours. As for first party claims (i.e. versus your own insurance company), the choice will be determined by both your own policy and your state law. The usual rule is that it is YOUR choice. So if your first party adjuster is trying to make you go to a so-called "approved" shop, then ask her to give you (in writing via e-mail) her authority to make such a demand. You can then run that by your state insurance commissioner
Unless your state has a law to the contrary, the general rule is that the choice of repair shops that of the vehicle owner, NOT the insurance adjuster. Admittedly there is a lot of pressure on the adjuster to get victims to use "approved" shops, so one can expect the adjuster to push on you. And there is some advantage of going that way in the event of a dispute regarding the quality and warranty of the work. But there is also a history of abuses from such shops trying to use parts that could lack the heritage of genuine OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts.
Here are some free pages of information on automobile accident property damage claims.
Auto Accident Collision Repair Shops & Insurance Adjuster Relationships Explained in Answers - Dr. Settlement, J.D. Auto Accident Insurance Claims
Hire YOUR OWN Auto Collision Repair Expert for Repair Negotiations & Supervision—Diminished Value Insurance Claim Settlements
Dr. Settlement, J.D. Shows How to Find and Use Expert Help for Car Wreck Repairs & Diminished Value Claims Auto Accident
Auto Accident First Steps: Report to Insurance? Save on Storage; Choose Collision Repair; Rental Car Rights
Five Steps to follow RIGHT AFTER THE AUTO ACCIDENT: Vehicle Damage Issues—Save Storage Costs, Select Auto Body Shop, Rental Car Rights
FAQ: Diminished Value Insurance Claims Explained in Answers by Doctor Settlement, J.D.-Auto Accident Insurance Claims
Diminished Value-What it is and How to Make an Insurance Claim for a Cash Insurance Settlement
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Best Wishes,
Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)