Auto Insurance Claims: expected denial of claim, 2007 subaru sti, electricity bills

Hi.  My vehicle, a 2007 subaru sti, was stolen from a street in brooklyn, NY where my fiance lives.  My place of garaging is listed as a small town in Andover, MA where i own a house.  I have been progressively relocating to brooklyn, NY.  I have changed some of my mailing addresses but not all.  I pay the mortgage on my house and all of the electricity bills, etc.  BUT, i have been spending a lot of time in NY.  Some of the time i bring my car with me, others, i don't.  The insurance company, metlife, has ordered a EUO with a basis, it seems of establishing that my house is not the place of garaging.  I expect (the worst) that metlife is going to attempt to deny coverage.  What should i do?  Thank you!


You need to talk to me about this process. This is what I do and serve as a consultant/expert witness for and against insurance companies. In fact, I am the only one in the country that will take a case from an insured and have a successful outcome.