Auto Insurance Claims: Passenger Rights, taxi insurance, taxi drive

What are my rights to compensation from the policy holder of the commercial vehicle I was riding in (DC Yellow Cab) who was not at fault for the accident.  The other at fault vehicle has low policy limits and not going to come close to what my claim is worth.  My UIM is 50K and I was told my insurance Co will subtract the policy limit I recover from the at fault tortfeaser.  When, if ever does the taxi insurance company have an obligation to help make me whole.  Thank you for your time and please advise.

Hi Vanessa,

The Taxi insurance would only come in to play if the taxi driver was also negligent in the accident. So if the taxi drive did not contribute to the cause of the accident then neither the taxi driver nor the taxi company are responsible for any of your bills. They do not become responsible just because you were in there vehicle. They must have done something that contributed to the cause of the accident, otherwise there is no negligence on their part.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh