Auto Insurance Claims: Hit during pregnancy, pregnancy and car accident

I was rear-ended during my pregnancy(at 7months) and have never been in a wreck before.  The insurance company handling the claim wants to know from me how much money I am willing to settle for concerning the injury part of the claim only.  They are, of course, taking care of the damages to the car separatley.  I have no idea what to tell them or what is fair.  What is a smart and reasonable amount to ask for?  Please help me!


  Were you hurt?  If you were not hurt, then there is only the question of having a possible issue with your baby.  There is no amount of money that would make up for a problem with your baby due to this accident.  I would not settle until I was checked out by a doctor and was sure that my baby and I didn't have any issues.  If you are willing to risk it and go ahead and settle, then I would ask for at least enough to have some pretty rigorous tests run.  $5000.00.  

  To give you a more intelligent answer, I would have to have a lot more detail about the accident and your injuries.

  I hope this helps!