Auto Insurance Claims: Car wreck settlement, medical claim delay

I was in a car wreck in sept,2009.The other lady that was in the car with me has settled.
I have sevral problems now including TBI with memory and cognitive dysfunction,2 ruptured disc in my lower back and several other problems.
On June,1,2010 my attorney sent a letter of demand payment to the insurance company for $125,000
How long before we hear back from the insurance company and on an average how much will they cut down on the amount.
I am in a major bind and need some money asap.

I am sorry for the delay in my response, we had a family emergency and I was not able to update my status.  

As for how long you will have to wait. . . that is tricky.  If your case has plenty of merit, meaning that you can easily show that your injuries are a direct result of the other driver's negligence, AND if your reasonable and necessary medical costs are supportive of your claim, THEN it should be settled quickly within 30 to 60 days.

But, if you have an adverse injury, medical, or claims history, AND if your attorney has made an unreasonable demand, then you may be waiting a while (3 to 6 months) for the insurance company to make a reasonable offer.  If I were you, I would be trying to make sure my attorney was ready to get suit filed immediately if the company wouldn't pay.  You should also make sure that there is not a policy limits issue since the other party has settled.  It is possible that the other lady in the car took a lot of the policy proceeds in her settlement.  I would be happy to give you my opinion of your claim potential (of course for free), but I would need a lot of information. . . the same information an adjuster is going to be looking for . . . (age, employment, style of life, physical characteristics, medical history, claims history, etc. . . )