Auto Insurance Claims: Stolen Truck, recovered theft

My truck was stolen in Fort Worth TX on May 10. the insurance company gave me a rental and settled with the dealer. I owed about $14,000 on it, but I think the dealer got about $16,800. I don't know the details. The insurance company notified me the truck was recovered in Ector County on June 5. Meanwhile, I lost my job because I could not get to work. I moved in with family in El Paso, TX. How can I recover my truck? Do I have any rights?

If the claim has been paid, then your insurance company now owns your truck.  Your best bet is to contact your lienholder and request that they pay you the difference in what you owed and what was paid by the insurance carrier (which they should have done anyway).  

Unfortunately, I believe the chances are slim that you will get your truck back at this point unless none of the payments have cleared and you can talk your insurance company into allowing you to reopen the claim and make a damage claim instead of a total theft claim.  If you want to discuss further, you can find us on the web at, or you can continue corresponding via the AllExperts forum.  I will help in any way I can.