Auto Insurance Claims: Re-issue Checks, Re-issue Checks
QuestionI was cleaning out a pile of clutter in my room closet and came upon A Check from Allstate Ins in Payment for Property Damage Claims. I then stared at it and quickly remembered the Accident.
Then realized the date of the Accident and the year of it '09. Well therefor I went to my Bank and they mentioned the date the check was issued and the policy is 6month exsistence for a check to be excepted. The teller suggested I call Allstate and have them Reissue another check... But on the check it says in CAP letters VOID THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE DAYS fom issued date and to fill you in Accient was 5/09, check dates 6/24/10. So therfore I at this moment is dumb_founded about this Issue w/ my bank... Please Help me understand and better knowledge myself from now to the End of next month to get my funds from Allstate.
AnswerHello Cassi,
I am not sure what your issue is. It's an old check and usually, you have 6 months to cash. If your bank is refusing to cash the check, just call All State and have one send you another one. They usually do if you are entitled to the funds. If they don't, simply contact a local attorney to see if there is anything you can do to have the bank take the check.
I hope this helps,