Auto Insurance Claims: Car Fire, car fire claim

Dear Mr. Cercone

    I had a fire wile performing routine maintenance to my vehicle.  The insurance company seems to be asking every question they could have answered and used against me. Now they want my credit report.  If that's how they check my liability then why didn't they check it in the ten years that I never had a claim. Should I provide it knowing it only could hurt because my credit is poor over the last year.    Thanks


They are trying to show that you had a financial motive to burn your car. While you may have to give them the ok to check your credit, you don't have to give tax returns. However just because you had motive doesn't mean you set the fire. Nowdays lots of people have motive. Bottom line is that if they can't get you arrested for arson, they have to pay the claim. Their only weapon is delay. So keep up being a squeeky wheel. They will probably under pay the value of your vehicle if its a total loss. So consider the eBooks at for that, as well as what to do if they deny your claim.