Auto Insurance Claims: deer collision and claim, comp claim

My 18 year old daughter, who is insured on our Auto-Owner's Auto Policy,was driving our car and was hit by a deer at dusk. Since there was leaking fluid, etc, the police and fire were called to the scene and a report was filed.  She was not injured, thankfully.  

Two questions, can our insurance company raise our rates due to this type of accident?
If we have comprehensive coverage, do we have to pay our deductible for the repair?


 Sorry for the delay in getting to your question.  

1.  Yes your insurance company can raise your rates.
2.  Yes you will have to pay your deductible.

 To expand a little bit:

 It is unlikely that your insurance company will raise your rates for one comp claim, but if you have two or more within a short period of time, you become a "higher risk".

 Sometimes, there is a deductible waiver clause in policies that will allow for a waiver of your deductible on certain types of claims or once a year or something like that.  Without reading your policy, I could only speculate as to whether you have this option.  Generally, your collision deductible and your comprehensive deductible are one in the same.

I hope this helps!