Auto Insurance Claims: Whats the next step?, automobile accident, rural farm

My husband was recently in a automobile accident with a semi truck making a right turn on a two way RURAL highway In MO. he was making a routine stop. They told us the liability came back 60% my husbands Fault and 40% the trucker? My husband is taped saying he did not see the truck until it pulled out in front of him and he was going around 50mph. My husband thinks the truck was either parked on that side of the highway or riding in ongoing traffic for some time before making his turn, remember this is a very rural farm town highway. My Ins company informed me they are going to settle with the other INS company and there's nothing I can do about it. There reasoning for settling is wording in the police report? it said my husband was riding behind the truck, which is incorrect not a true statement written by the police officer not my husbands words. There are also other discrepancies in the police report like the only person in our car was my husband when in fact my 11 year old was in the car to? I was told by another INS. expert on here it seems like they are bulling us and the next step would be to contact a lawyer. I feel like if anything it should be 50 50 . My husband wasn't doing anything illegal he was riding in his lane doing the speed limit when this truck pulled out in front of him from the wrong lane its clear my husband didn't see him don't truckers make these turns all day? The trucker said he seen my husband so why did he turn? He hit him in the very front tire of the semi totaling our car and hurting my husband? I  need to know if we are going to fight a loosing battle and is there something I could tell our ins co. that lets them know I do not agree with there decision? what's our next step:(


I would take your case if I was in your state.  I'd actually consider that a pretty easy win.  A tractor trailer changes lanes and clips your husband's car...?  They probably have a big policy and my guess is the driver has a bad driving record.

I would file a corrected police report with the precinct and hire an attorney.  If your attorney is half-way decent I think you'll do well.

Best regards,

Ernest Ferraro